
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

December 2019

I stood up to my boss, then he got promoted

I stood up to my boss, then he got promoted

There is a special feeling I get on a Sunday evening. Sunday is the weekend and I am home relaxing with my family after a well deserved break. But Sunday evening is the end of the weekend, the end of that pleasant break. I have to go back to work the next day. This is the time I like to sit by the kitchen table by myself, thinking about a better future. One where I don't have to obey the traditional rules of work. I don't want to put my life on pause on a weekly basis and dedicate the time to my employer for a modest fee.

JS Tip of the day

Parse JSON string, cross browser

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. You would think it would be second nature to parse those strings from your Ajax request, but not so much for older b…
