
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

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Why we hate flash

Why we hate flash

We don't hate flash. It's an amazing tool and I use the present tense here because you can still find it in the wilderness. It's only recently that YouTube, which mainly played videos through flash, switched the default player to be in HTML5. That is when media outlets started the whole campaign of saying flash is dead(er). When you open YouTube on a browser that doesn't support html5 then you still use flash.

No such thing as smooth Database switch

No such thing as smooth Database switch

When designing a database abstraction layer, it is very tempting to fall into the trap of wanting to create a single module that handles MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL or any other database engine. I know I did.

How to think like a programmer

How to think like a programmer

When dealing with software bugs, how you ask the question determines how likely you are to get a good answer. To me programming is talking with a computer. The computer understands zeroes and ones, nothing in between. So when someone has a bug and tells a story instead of giving the relevant zeroes and ones, chances are they will never find a solution.

So you've been blogging for 2 years

So you've been blogging for 2 years

When you start programming and you find that you enjoy it so much, you can only wish that you had started it when you were younger. In the tech world, young has always been the new black. Young kids like Bill Gates and Zuckerberg tamed the world before they got rid of their acne. The rest of us, who didn't know what to do in our teen years, are left to suffer in our own eternal internal humiliation.


How meetings should be

How meetings should be

If you recorded yourself talking for ten minutes then sent it to all your team, do you think they would listen to it?

Using Boring Technologies this Year

Using Boring Technologies this Year

Every once in a while I am reminded that I am doing the right thing by sticking to PHP in the year 2015. If you don't know already, the majority of websites run on PHP. That is to say, PHP is a tested technology. It has a vibrant community, it is expanding, and it is very, very boring.

How to Cross-Site Script

How to Cross-Site Script

If SQL Injection allows a user to make a full copy of your database, Cross Site Scripting will give an attacker full control over your users. Both are equally dangerous and relatively easy to protect against. Not long ago, I wrote about the dangers of SQL Injection, today I want to focus on Cross Site Scripting.

Markdown: the language of the web

Markdown: the language of the web

You've been browsing reddit for a while. You think you have waited long enough, and accumulated enough courage to finally post your opinion again. When you get to the commenting section. You want to format your creative thoughts but it says, it only supports Markdown formatting. "Never heard of it!"

Unicorn Programming Fairyland

Unicorn Programming Fairyland

This should be a short post because I am just trying to document a small observation. I don't contribute to stack overflow as much as I used to. Many times I suggested code that I wouldn't normally use on a daily basis. Well documented standards thoroughly explained in hope of making everyone a better programmer. But if I was to solve the same problem, chances are I wouldn't use my own approach.

Everything you need to know about favicon

Everything you need to know about favicon

A very simple concept yet so easy to screw up. When I worked on my first website, it took me a while to understand how to deal with this favicon thing. I noticed how a lot of websites had this cool little icon when I bookmarked them but mine didn't. So I started my quest on finding how to create my own little cool icon. Today, I will save you that trouble and show you all I learned over the many years.

JS Tip of the day

Use local storage and fall back to cookies

Cookies There are better ways to save information on the browser then using cookies. Cookies save all values in one long string and has to be parsed every time…
