Planning the Year 2025

Time to get back to work

The past few years have been a whirlwind. Work, personal life, and family life have all shifted, and this blog has understandably taken a backseat while I dealt with challenges that required most of my time. As I look back on my contributions here in 2024, I realize I only managed to write three blog posts all year. That is something I need to change. In 2025, things will be different for one simple reason: I have a plan.

For most of my life, I have not done much long-term planning. I usually find something interesting, throw myself into it, and see where it leads me. While this approach has worked well for my career, it often leaves me with too many projects and no real progress on any of them. By the end of the year, I am usually juggling several unfinished ideas that never reach completion.

Today, I came across one of those projects, a website called It is fully functional, yet I do not even remember where the code is stored or how it works. This discovery reminded me of how easily my scattered focus leads to forgotten efforts.

This coming year, I am going to do things differently. I have created a list of everything I want to accomplish and all the unfinished projects I think are worth revisiting. To keep myself accountable, I will set weekly reminders to check my progress on each item. Even if I do not make any progress, the reminders will serve as a gentle nudge or, at the very least, a guilt trip.

As for this blog, I have over a hundred draft posts that I started but never completed. My goal is to go through them, polish them, and share them here for you to read. In essence, I am aiming to write 100 posts this year. If an idea does not develop into a full blog post, or if my research proves my initial thoughts were wrong, I will still publish it as a reflection on what I learned.

This is my pledge for 2025. Expect to see more activity here as I commit to staying consistent and intentional with my efforts.


Ibrahim author :

Haha, for a blog that was completely silent this proves that outrage is the perfect way to get engagement.

I'll be expecting an "I told you so" from you. Happy New Year to you as well.

Let's hear your thoughts

For my eyes only