A site map is the list of pages accessible on a website. It is mostly made for crawlers to make it easier to find pages on your website. Sitemaps are written in XML and follow a set of standards that can be found here. It is pretty easy to build following these sets of rules. Adding a style to your sitemap can make it legible not just to bots but to your fellow humans.
I found this tutorial yesterday and decided to implement the styling part to this blog. I never wanted to add a link to my sitemap on the site because no one will ever read it. But now, it actually make sense.
Check it out:
Unlike me, you can go with your own design. The styling definition is done using XSL. XSL stands for Exstensible Stylesheet Language. It goes write on top of your sitemap:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/css/sitemap.xsl"?>
Happy styling.
birendra :
Nice Tips
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