
Why Use Prototype in JavaScript

There is a clear reason why you should use prototypes when creating classes in JavaScript.

They use less memory.

When a method is defined using this.methodName a new copy is created every time a new object is instantiated. Let's look at an example.

In most Object Oriented programming languages a class has a constructor. A constructor is a sort of initializing function that is called every time a new instance of the class is created. Usually the Constructor function name is defined using the actual class name or the keyword constructor:

// In Java
public class Animal {

    private String _name;
    // constructor function
    public Animal(name){
        // this content will be executed when an instance is created:
        // Ex: Animal cat = new Animal('cat');

        _name = name;


// In PHP
class Animal {

    private $name;
    public function __constructor($name){
        // this content will be executed when an instance is created:
        // Ex: $dog = new Animal('dog');

        $this->name = $name;


But how about in JavaScript? Do we have a constructor? Yes we do, only everything in JavaScript is a weird, so the constructor is the class/function/constructor itself.

// In JavaScript
function Animal(name){
    // this is the class and the constructor at the same time.
    // Ex: var cat = new Animal('cat') = name;

So when we call new Animal() the constructor is called immediately. This is where the problem of performance occurs. Imagine I define three functions inside the constructor, this means every single time, those functions are defined anew.

function Animal(){
    this.walk = function(){}; = function(){};
    this.jump = function(){};

We are creating duplicate functions every single time. If I create two or three objects, then the problem is negligible. But if we create a herd of animals, we start seeing our memory growing because for each animal we are creating a whole new method at run time/instance time.

var cat = new Animal();
var dog = new Animal();
(cat.walk === dog.walk) // false 

The walk of the first object is different then the walk of the second object because each was created during instantiation. In other words, Animal does not know that the method walk() exists before being instantiated.

The solution to the problem is to use Prototypes. What it does is allow us to define the methods once, as a blue print, and have each instance build from it.

function Animal(){};
Animal.prototype.walk = function(){}; = function(){};
Animal.prototype.jump = function(){};

Now any new instance has a blue print of the class before being created. So every walk is a walk, and every jump is a jump:

var cat = new Animal();
var dog = new Animal();
(cat.walk === dog.walk) // true

Imagine creating a virtual DOM where each DOM element has a few methods. If you use the non-prototypical way with this you will be recreating each method for each virtual DOM element. Shortly after you will notice your application slowing down. But use prototypes and the methods are defined only once thus take much less memory. This is similar to how jQuery defines methods for DOM elements. They don't create a new .css for each element for example, they define it once using a prototype.

The only inconvenience of using prototypes is that there is no easy way to create private methods or variables.

function Animal(){
    // this varialbe is private
    var private_var = 10;

    // this function is public
    this.walk = function(){};

    // this function is private
    function dance(){}

How you plan to use a class should be the deciding factor for using prototype or non-prototype methods. If you are going to create a lot of instances, use prototypes.


Basir Payenda :

Thank you sir, It helped me so much.

Ibrahim author :

You are welcome Basir.

stephen :

hi this is stephen

Clive :

Thanks for the info here... was quite helpful. do you use whats-app? i got a few questions ( you can email be privately)

Reiner :

Thank you sir... I finally understand the importance of prototypes...

JM :

Use class is easier.

Niraj Dhungana :

Thanks for giving your time teaching us. This is great

stephen :

thanks brother. in every tutorial I understood syntax and how prototypes work. thanks for explaining "why" part.

Amir :

Dont you think that prototyping with the memory power and capacity of today is just a bit obsession that the creator of JS had? because then all other programming languages are not efficient with memory usage!

Ibrahim author :

The majority of web users come in browser the internet with low power devices. Therefore it helps to have scripts that use the least memory possible.

But even with high power device like an Galaxy S10, running inefficient JS can cause the browser to crash. It's better to go for efficiency when it isn't too complex ?

Jerson Pena :

Great explanation. The better I've found around the web.

Rob :

Thanks, Ibrahim.

This was really helpful. You have a gift for explaining complex ideas in a simple way.

Big Rob :

Thank you for explaining why!! Finally I understand!

Kadiatou :

This is a clear and simple explanation! Thanks :)

Sid :

Thank you so much Ibrahim

SG :

I'd still use prototype even with single instance, just for code style consistency sake.

Let's hear your thoughts

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