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Ibrahim Diallo

March 2017

When to Use MD5

When to Use MD5

I used MD5 as my password hashing back in the days (few years ago). I used it in combination with a salt and it was enough to secure the web applications I worked on at the time. Now, MD5 is broken. Not that the algorithm it used to generate one-way hashing was updated or is broken, but techniques have been developed to create the same hash using arbitrary input. Also, GPUs are powerful enough to brute force passwords. Ask Linked in about that. But the question now is, since we are all moving to more secure cryptographic methods to secure passwords, are there any uses left for good Old MD5?



Looking back at the last 10 years, I can say with great confidence that programming is creating a list of functions that perform a task. Those functions become your portfolio, toolkit, or resources. They never grow stale because you can always improve them over time.

Changing Apache Server Signature

Changing Apache Server Signature

A quick question. Do you need to know what Web Server I am running? Your answer is yes? I know, your answer is "I don't really care." Yes, I know you don't care, but I am sending you this information anyway with each web request.

JS Tip of the day

Asynchrounous JavaScript

If you learn a JavaScript tutorial today, chances are they told you that all the scripts are loaded in the head of the document. Then as you advance in your lea…
