
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

October 2015

Serving pi in school

Serving pi in school

That kid in the back was right. Nothing in Math made any sense. The vectors, the matrices, the limits, or, for God sake, cotangent! None of it made any sense. When are we ever going to use these in the real world? The teacher argued that it was necessary to learn without giving us any tangible thing to grasp. The only immediate reward that justified learning this organized gibberish was getting a good grade.

Pessimism: The cure for false expectation

Pessimism: The cure for false expectation

A few years ago, I discovered Alain de Botton, a sort of modern philosopher that took an interesting approach on the way we approach the events of our lives. He focused particularly on pessimism and how we react to it. His work is based on the Roman philosopher, Seneca, who dedicated a large part of his work on the problem of Anger.

Facebook and Me

Facebook and Me

My overall experience with facebook has been negative. Like many people these days, I decided it is best to not have a facebook profile. Well technically I do have one. OK, I have two of them, and both are deactivated. One is my regular account and the other is my developer account that I reactivate every time I need to perform dev work with their API.

Free time

Free time

What would you do if you could keep your wages. The exact same wages you make at your current job, but you have only 2 hours of work to do a day. You already took a two months long vacation where you traveled to all the places you wished you could and had the time of your life.

When you think you know but you don't

When you think you know but you don't

With the internet at our finger tips, it is easy to access any sort of information instantly. Long gone are the days where you memorize all the important dates or names in history. With a few key strokes, Wikipedia presents you with more information than you care to know.

JS Tip of the day

Not all arrays are arrays

You modified the Array object to include some of your custom methods. You create an array, you use the method and get an error: Array.prototype.loop = function…
