
Tips and tricks I learned throughout the years.

JavaScript is different. Experienced users that come from other languages have a hard time learning it, because it looks similar but operates differently. Here I will share all the insights I learned in the past few years. You will find it quite useful whether you programmed for years, or are just getting started.

Latest JavaScript Tips

Complex function call delays without nesting in JavaScript

I wanted to write a function that allowed me to wait for a specific time to run the code. The quick and dirty way to do it was to use setTimeout and nest callbacks. For example, at the end of an actio…


How to use pushState without breaking the back button

I find it very annoying when I use an instant search field and each key I press creates a new state. What this means every single time I hit the back button, it removes a single key from the URL. I ha…


How to create DOM elements efficiently with JavaScript

At some point, every web application needs an overlay. A sort of pop-up that obscures the background and asks the user to perform an action. Here is how you do it. First you create the HTML, give the…


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property of null

TL;DR; You are accessing a property of an object that is null. For example, document.getElementById('stuff') returns null. So adding .value will cause the error. You are trying to access a DOM eleme…


Why Use Prototype in JavaScript

There is a clear reason why you should use prototypes when creating classes in JavaScript. > They use less memory. When a method is defined using this.methodName a new copy is created every time…


Optimization: Minimize look-ups in for loops.

In JavaScript, like in many other languages a loop can be defined in many ways. The standard of course is the for-loop, the while loop, or do while loop. They are all natively implemented in JavaScrip…


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

This is a common error in JavaScript, and it is hard to understand at first why it happens. But if you bear with me and remember that Bugs are a good thing you will be on your way in no time. > #…


Magical JavaScript Live Collection

JavaScript live collection is a subject that is rarely talked about. Earlier I had written about a caveat when using them. It did help people but one of the problem is that most didn't understand what…

