
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

July 2021

Ai for the Clueless Developer

Ai for the Clueless Developer

As a web developer, I am proud when asked about my work experience. I worked with a dozen programming languages and I can fairly quickly learn a new one. I use them both for work and privately. When I have new ideas, I open up vim, write code, test the idea locally. If it works I then quickly spin a digitalocean droplet to validate the idea with real people. All this just for fun. But from time to time, I am asked about Artificial Intelligence and my answer is not as enthusiastic.

JS Tip of the day

How to get an element position on the page

This used to be a painful thing to find on the page. Well it wasn't but almost everyone suggested you use a hacky way to find the correct position of an element…
