
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

July 2021

Ai for the Clueless Developer

Ai for the Clueless Developer

As a web developer, I am proud when asked about my work experience. I worked with a dozen programming languages and I can fairly quickly learn a new one. I use them both for work and privately. When I have new ideas, I open up vim, write code, test the idea locally. If it works I then quickly spin a digitalocean droplet to validate the idea with real people. All this just for fun. But from time to time, I am asked about Artificial Intelligence and my answer is not as enthusiastic.

JS Tip of the day

How to create DOM elements efficiently with JavaScript

At some point, every web application needs an overlay. A sort of pop-up that obscures the background and asks the user to perform an action. Here is how you do …
