
I write code for Humans & text for Robots

Ibrahim Diallo

Are you Human?

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Maybe AI Will Take Your Job  After All

Maybe AI Will Take Your Job After All

When companies develop AI products with the potential to replace workers, they like to sprinkle in a little reassurance: “AI won’t take your job. It’ll handle the repetitive, tedious tasks so you can focus on the more complex, meaningful work.” Sounds fair, doesn’t it? Almost comforting. But it’s not entirely true.

AGI is an Interface Problem

AGI is an Interface Problem

After deploying an AI customer service agent for a large client, the first thing I’d do was wait for customer feedback. Most customers never leave a review, or a Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), as it’s commonly known in the industry. But for a large enough client, it was only a matter of minutes before the first responses would roll in. Like clockwork, the initial feedback appeared.

Why Enterprise Software Sucks

Why Enterprise Software Sucks

Enterprise software exists in its own strange, dystopian economy. A parallel universe where the laws of quality, efficiency, and common sense are entirely optional. It’s not just about the software itself; it’s about the bizarre rituals and absurd pricing models that come with it. Let me walk you through the madness.

Step aside: Let AI do the talking

Step aside: Let AI do the talking

On Android, the takeover of SMS is almost complete. For the longest time, I resisted letting Google manage my messages. I don’t recall exactly when I gave in. Maybe it was during one of those countless pop-ups interrupting my conversations, prompting me to agree just so I could continue texting. Now, I get slick animations when someone “likes” a message, see real-time indicators when people are typing, and enjoy the perks of using the internet to send messages. Along with that, however, I get auto-generated replies.

Freedom after 25 years of hard work

Freedom after 25 years of hard work

One day, I was looking for my manager in the Luxury furniture store I used to work at. I needed help resolving an issue with an order. I found her in the office, both hands covering her face and shaking. I hesitated for a moment while her shoulders danced up and down. When I finally knocked on the opened door, she didn't even react. I walked a couple steps and she was startled. She grabbed a tissue from her desk and wiped her eyes and nose. Her eyes were still blood red and dark. She had been crying. Before I could ask anything related to the help I needed, she said. "I'm leaving."

I downloaded 23MB on dial-up

I downloaded 23MB on dial-up

Before hopping on the computer, I went to see my mother with a well rehearsed speech. She was in the living room, talking on the wall phone balancing it on a shoulder while watching TV. I sat down beside her, rehearsing my speech in my head while waiting for her call to end. She noticed me fidgeting.

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The Machine Fired Me

The Machine Fired Me

It was 7am when my phone rang. Instead of an alarm, it was my recruiter disturbing me from a pleasant dream. It was too early for a phone call or to be caught off guard, so I did not answer. I went to take a shower and get ready for the day. On my way to work, I listened to the voice mail she had left.

Download a file from the command line in Windows

Download a file from the command line in Windows

As a Linux user, I can't help but spend most of my time on the command line. Not that the GUI is not efficient, but there are things that are simply faster to do with the keyboard.

I charged $18,000 for a Static HTML Page

I charged $18,000 for a Static HTML Page

Not too long ago, I made a living working as a contractor where I would hop from project to project. Some were short term where I would work for a week and quickly deliver my service. Others lasted a couple months where I would make enough money to take some time off. I preferred the short ones because they allowed me to charge a much higher rate for a quick job. Not only I felt like my own boss, but I also felt like I didn't have to work too hard to make a decent living. My highest rates were still reasonable, and I always delivered high quality service. That was until I landed a gig with a large company.

Just Fired

a book by Ibrahim Diallo

After the explosive reception of my story, The Machine Fired Me, I set out to write a book to tell the before and after.

I started as a minimum wage laborer in Los Angeles and I set out to reach the top of the echelon in Silicon Valley. Every time I made a step forward, I was greeted with the harsh changing reality of the modern work space.

Getting fired is no longer reserved to those who mess up. Instead, it's a popular company strategy to decrease expenses and increase productivity.

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JavaScript Collection

Learn tips and tricks that will turn you into an Awesome® Javascript Dev.

JavaScript Tips and tricks

Tip of the day

What to use for debugging, console.log() or alert()

When I started using JavaScript, the alert function quickly became my best friend. I didn't use it to display annoying messages to my users. I used to debug my …

Are you new to JavaScript?

JavaScript can be a little bit challenging at first. There are a few things that once mastered will make your journey smoother. These are the little things that I want to explain to you here. I make the frustrating things as friendly as possible so you don't have to stress over it.


Every little corner has a story. Sometimes a camera tells the story and a picture is worth a thousand words.

There are professional photographers and then there is me who happens to have a camera on my phone. Here's to what came out.