
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

May 2014

I'll pay less for the copy

I'll pay less for the copy

What kind of work are you doing. Are you doing exactly what you are told? Are you making a copy of your boss's work? Copies don't sell higher than the original. If you are making a copy, you will be paid accordingly.

Bringing back the PC

Bringing back the PC

If an arsenal of computers put a man on the moon in the 60s, today the USB stick dangling on your key chain could make miracles. Of course not all computers are designed to do something as great. You may be using your old PC, that some have claimed to be dead, to do mundane tasks like surfing the web or checking your email. This same computer, that first of all belongs to you, second is consistently connected to the Internet, third is relatively fast speed, can do much more than just allow you to check your email. I would like to introduce the PC 2.0 no different then the previous PC, simply re-branded for marketing purposes.

Stop being productive

Stop being productive

Every once in a while I find a few tricks that make me more productive. I post them right here on the blog. Productivity is relative however. What is a productive day? Sometimes I go to work and spend the whole day working without checking YouTube, reading blogs or news, and I feel productive. But when I get home, I am tired and I sleep until the next day. Then I feel like I have not been productive toward something else.

Compiler, dear

Compiler, dear

When I say I have spent a long time workingplaying with code it might seem like a joke for those who have been programmers for 10 or 20 years. My experience is far less but nevertheless it is a long time. The compiler, which could be gcc, the IDE, the browser, or anything that understands code, is the programmer's best friend. You tell it what you want and it does it. Usually followed by satisfaction.

Writing to tell a story

Writing to tell a story

There are those moments where I feel the need to share. Sometimes it is when I do something small like fix a bug, or even smaller like when I first really understood what the value of π (PI) actually refers to. It feels great and when it happens I want to share. Unfortunately when I talk about it, the conversion from thoughts in my head to spoken words is a lossy transaction. I end up being a complete bore.

JS Tip of the day

Not all arrays are arrays

You modified the Array object to include some of your custom methods. You create an array, you use the method and get an error: Array.prototype.loop = function…
