
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

March 2025

Stop Rewriting and Start Fixing

Stop Rewriting and Start Fixing

Once, I inherited an application so offensive, it felt like a personal insult. It wasn’t just bad code, it was a decade of bad decisions stacked like a Jenga tower. My task was to address a complaint by the internal users on a report that was generated. I looked in the company's git repository for the tool, but it was nowhere to be found. Only after digging through the server it ran on, I found that it was using Concurrent Versioning System or CSV, a version control system older than some interns.

Why Developers Build Unfinished Calculators

Why Developers Build Unfinished Calculators

Every developer knows the rush. You are driving and suddenly you’re struck by a “life-altering” idea (your 14th this week). At the next red light, you record an audio while driving, avoiding eye contact with what clearly looks like a cop’s car. At 2 AM, you wake abruptly remembering the recording. Now you’re setting up repositories, debating frameworks, and buying AWS servers in the middle of the night. The blind spot? You’re convinced this time, you’ll finish.

Part 1: Getting the Right People in the Room

Part 1: Getting the Right People in the Room

When I built shotsrv, a service that takes screenshots of URLs using PhantomJS, I did what most solo developers do: I opened my IDE, hacked together some Node.js scripts, and celebrated when it spat out its first screenshot. There was no roadmap, no team to consult, and no definition of “success” beyond “it works… mostly.”

Building Real Software the Way Pros Do

Building Real Software the Way Pros Do

Every programmer has a “lightbulb moment” that sparks their love for code. For many of us, it’s video games. You marvel at sprawling open worlds, intricate quests, and heroes who swing swords or fire plasma rifles, and you think, “I want to build something like this.” Then you join the industry and realize: nobody lets you build the sword.

JS Tip of the day

How to use JavaScript Call and Apply methods

The most confusing functions in JavaScript are the call() and apply() methods. Interviewers have learned of this and are starting to use it against the unsuspec…
