
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

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Dear recruiters, don't ghost me

Dear recruiters, don't ghost me

“Everyone in the office agrees, you are pretty cool.” That's the text message I got after the call. At that point, I had the confidence to work for this fortune 10 company. Sure, I had already failed the technical assessment 6 months prior, but this time, it was going to be different. We exchanged phone numbers, we sent text messages and memes. We communicated in the off hours. This was not your typical recruiter interaction. But I did not expect it to end like a romantic break-up.


What's cool vs what's useful

What's cool vs what's useful

What's really cool is an AI you can have a seamless conversation with. What's useful is a service that can answer your questions.



Design for Stress

Design for Stress

When my wife goes out with the kids, she usually texts me when she arrives at her destination. But this one time, she didn't. I knew everything was fine, but it's a force of habit. I waited a bit then sent her a text: "You guys made it in one piece?" I got no response. Again, I knew they were fine but... what if? I waited a half hour and called. The phone rang and went to voicemail. Again, they often go out and it's not like she always texts right when she gets there. Plus she is meeting her friends, maybe she just forgot. But... What if?


I stopped sleeping, then I started hallucinating.

I stopped sleeping, then I started hallucinating.

It was already March of 2019, I had promised myself I would do my taxes early this time. When you try to file your taxes on your own, you can see the invisible hand of Intuit making sure the process is as confusing as possible. This time though, I'd hire someone. No more confusion.

A moment of your time

A moment of your time

On July 1st of 1941, wealthy American families gathered around their living rooms in New York city. They could afford to drive down Ebbets Field where the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies were to face off in a game of baseball. But on that day, these hard working Americans chose not to. Instead, they decided to watch the game in the comfort of their living room. A luxury we take for granted today.


Ai for the Clueless Developer

Ai for the Clueless Developer

As a web developer, I am proud when asked about my work experience. I worked with a dozen programming languages and I can fairly quickly learn a new one. I use them both for work and privately. When I have new ideas, I open up vim, write code, test the idea locally. If it works I then quickly spin a digitalocean droplet to validate the idea with real people. All this just for fun. But from time to time, I am asked about Artificial Intelligence and my answer is not as enthusiastic.


How long do you make your customers wait?

How long do you make your customers wait?

When the pandemic hit, most businesses closed their doors. From the 405 to the 3rd street Promenade in Los Angeles, not a soul was in the road. The only brick and mortar in town were grocery stores. People invaded those stores and snatched every last roll of toilet paper. Other businesses awaited quietly while they bled through their remaining cash. Even the online world was not spared. Customers were not sure how things would play out, so they saved their money. Or reserved it for toilet paper delivery.


Why we still use Oracle DB

Why we still use Oracle DB

In 2017, I worked for a large conglomerate. When a company grows a certain size, change is never welcomed. “If it ain't broke, don't fix it” is the motto and software is the first victim. That's how you end up with core products still running on COBOL or FORTRAN. Microsoft still offers customized support for machines running Windows 2000 Server. But not in my company.

The Semicolon ;

The Semicolon ;

There is a time where the thing that bothers you the most in your programming career is the semicolon. You've formally learned that every statement ends with a semicolon, the same way every sentence ends with a period. But then you join a team that has complete disregard for your favorite punctuation.

How to self-publish a book in 7 years

How to self-publish a book in 7 years

If you ever think about becoming a writer, then go ahead and type a single character on Google. Before your finger is off the key, Google will recommend hundreds if not thousands of material. Not just any material, good material. There are classes on Udemy, there are videos on YouTube, there are well written articles from prominent bloggers. You can join forums, clubs, guilds. There is no shortage of information to turn a complete newbie into a respectable author.

JS Tip of the day

When to run your code

When is the right time to run your JavaScript? When the page has loaded? When the document is ready? You may face this challenge and the solution sometimes is n…
