
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 28



Again with the future

Again with the future

What is going to happen in the next 5 years? Where is technology is going to be in the next 10 years. I consider myself lucky to have lived in the time of mobile revolution. But really this was inevitable, kinda like every thing that ever took over the world. We see it as a natural path to go through. After we created the first transistor of course we knew we were going to instantly send cat videos to someone in the other corner of the world.

Simple Responsive CSS trick

Simple Responsive CSS trick

Responsive web is here to stay. Some websites are very hard to read when presented at full scale on a tiny screen. I found it cumbersome to rewrite all my CSS styles inside a @media tag to make it responsive at different screen size. However, lately I have been using a few lines of codes that make my page look good no matter where it is displayed.

Technology is for humans

Technology is for humans

Technologist are making one big mistakes. They think we need to live in a data processing driven community. I don't blame them, whatever Big Data means its promises are very attractive.

Installing software

Installing software

Installing windows 98 on my machine was a recurring task back in my early computing days. On average I would reinstall it at least twice a month. But then we got the internet. That number exploded.


So you want to buy a Mac Computer

So you want to buy a Mac Computer

If you want to buy a mac, ask a mac user. There is no such thing as an unbiased user. I use windows, mac and linux on a regular basis. Note how none of those names are capitalized, that's because I am the supposedly unbiased user. I am to treat those three equally.

Writer's block

Writer's block

2am. The day has gone by and none of the things set to be accomplished are put to rest. When the day started I promised myself, "One blog post today. Just one damn post." It's very easy to make that promise but then the time comes to write it, and nothing happens.

Why is php turning my string into 0

Why is php turning my string into 0

One thing I am learning the hard way is, if you don't write it down you will forget it. I always think I will remember my thoughts. But nope. The next day, my mind is blank and I am frustrated. So there is an simple issue I ran into in MySQL and PHP and I am making sure I writing down this time before I forget it.

Year of the spam

Year of the spam

At Google, they say they don't need Captcha anymore. If I had an iframe on virtually every website on the web, I could probably claim the same. I assume that if this is a factor in the method they use, then Facebook could also claim the same capability.

Ah, programming

Ah, programming

When I type 2 + 2 on a compiler I know there is no way the computer will give me an answer other than 4. Computers are precise, accurate. They don't make mistakes.



My 2014 reading list

My 2014 reading list

In 2014 I have decided to do less consuming and more producing. But with the nature of the internet, you can't help but sometime read other stuff. Yes, the internet can be a huge waste of time. But let's not forget, there is some amazing content that make it all worthwhile.

JS Tip of the day

How to get an element position on the page

This used to be a painful thing to find on the page. Well it wasn't but almost everyone suggested you use a hacky way to find the correct position of an element…
