
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 27



Creating your own CDN with Nginx

Creating your own CDN with Nginx

If you've used WordPress, then you know that it has a nice little folder called upload where all the pictures and videos you upload get stored. This is all fine and dandy, until people start accessing those assets.

The magic of hating software

The magic of hating software

There is a price to pay being a software developer. We will never be able to enjoy software as much as the non developers. Software is magic to most people. Every time I see some little thing that impress the majority of my friends on the web, I am tempted to say, well "all they're doing is searching through a database". But I stop myself and keep quiet.

Teaching about the internet, not websites

Teaching about the internet, not websites

Facebook allows people to purchase a Facebook plan. For small fee, you can access only Facebook from your device, not the internet, just Facebook.

Don't try to rationalize interviews

Don't try to rationalize interviews

I tried to explain the process of interviewing before. As much as I like to admit it is not a rational process. I've had the chance to interview people and my process was just as disorganized.

Suckers for tech

Suckers for tech

I used to download new frameworks, new programming languages, new versions of anything. I always wanted to test them and see what they are all about, complete the hello world tutorial, install gems and what not. I am satisfied when I see something running smoothly on my machine. I would also upload them to my server and test them there too, in a real world environment so to speak. I loved this process. But lately, I am having a hard time going through that process; it doesn't feel the same.



I redesigned my blog. I deployed it in a staging environment and it worked fine. When I tried to make the switch on the production server, a few things went wrong. A few things meaning the website went blank. I had no idea what was the problem. I checked the error logs and it was blank. What could have gone wrong?

Passion is not excitement

Passion is not excitement

Where do you find passion? How do you become passionate about something? When looking for candidates, employers want to hire people who are passionate about their work. Is it a lot to ask?

What is Cloud computing?

What is Cloud computing?

If you've haven't been living under a rock in the past five years, then you probably heard of the term cloud. Everyone and their grandma is talking cloud these days. Google tells you you have 100GB of cloud storage. Every SAAS company tells you about cloud computing. You don't know what it is, and you don't need to know because it is all in the cloud anyway.

Again with the future

Again with the future

What is going to happen in the next 5 years? Where is technology is going to be in the next 10 years. I consider myself lucky to have lived in the time of mobile revolution. But really this was inevitable, kinda like every thing that ever took over the world. We see it as a natural path to go through. After we created the first transistor of course we knew we were going to instantly send cat videos to someone in the other corner of the world.

Simple Responsive CSS trick

Simple Responsive CSS trick

Responsive web is here to stay. Some websites are very hard to read when presented at full scale on a tiny screen. I found it cumbersome to rewrite all my CSS styles inside a @media tag to make it responsive at different screen size. However, lately I have been using a few lines of codes that make my page look good no matter where it is displayed.

JS Tip of the day

Asynchrounous JavaScript

If you learn a JavaScript tutorial today, chances are they told you that all the scripts are loaded in the head of the document. Then as you advance in your lea…
