
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 13



Watch folder/files change with bash script

Watch folder/files change with bash script

One of the greatest thing about web development is instant gratification. If you make any changes to your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript all you have to do is refresh the browser page and your new changes will show up. There is no time wasted compiling the code. However, recently I have been working on different projects and some of them make use of SASS or Less CSS. These are programming tools that compile into CSS. The main benefit is that you can use it modularize your css but the price is that you have to compile the CSS every time you make change.

Installing software: Ruby

Installing software: Ruby

Ruby is a programming language that has become popular after DHH has created a web framework with it, Rails. It is the first robust framework I used for development, but since then I have switched to different tools.

What is the green lock on the browser?

What is the green lock on the browser?

Free Wifi has become a common thing today. When you head to the airport, or to a coffee shop, you have the option to connect to their free Wifi network. The advantage is you save bandwidth with your cellular data plan which can become quiet expensive if you go beyond your allocated monthly bandwidth. It is convenient.


Tech Locks

Tech Locks

The problem with locks is that there is always a key to open them. No matter how secure you make them, you still have to make it accessible to the person who owns it. Because of this feature or flaw, anyone with the key can open a lock.

Writing history by mistake

Writing history by mistake

Social media is the business of sharing ideas not worth doing but appealing to spread. Everyday there are some fantastic comments, ideas, and pieces of wisdom shared on social networks. These receive, in social metrics, tons of supporters.

Stealing from the libraries

Stealing from the libraries

I often don't use any framework to do my work unless it is part of the requirement. Often I am accused of trying to reinvent the wheel while someone has already solved the problem. I didn't want to include jQuery to the code, because at the time, I thought I didn't need it at all. Don't get me wrong, jQuery is amazing, and I highly recommend people to use it, after they have learned and mastered JavaScript. But even though I don't always use these libraries, I often steal from them.

Becoming a professional programmer

Becoming a professional programmer

When I was still in college I had a question that no one wanted to answer. Every time I asked, the teacher or student will pretend they didn't hear it and just change the subject.

Making laws around technology

Making laws around technology

Let's face it. 99 percent of us have no clue how encryption works. As a programmer I understand some of the inner works, but they are too complex for me to implement myself. Security is hard even for experts, it is very hard for me. But think about the people who are not versed in technology but have to pass laws for it.

Designing for user behavior

Designing for user behavior

Remember flashy website backgrounds from the 90s? Everyone had them. They didn't make the website look any better, in fact, they made it harder to read and were distracting. But everyone still used them simply because it was the popular thing to do. Most websites today use the flat design, including this one, kind of. Maybe someone did the research and found it to be more pleasing to the eyes. But I don't know that, I did it because I thought it was cool.


Everybody gets an audience

Everybody gets an audience

While waiting in line, there was a man that decided to grab everyone's attention. He tried to cause trouble where there was none, started yelling at people. Few minutes later, a gentle giant of a security guard came in to escort him outside. There was no fuss, he followed the man.

JS Tip of the day

When to run your code

When is the right time to run your JavaScript? When the page has loaded? When the document is ready? You may face this challenge and the solution sometimes is n…
