Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.
"Good artists copy, great artists steal." The same quote has been used to justify the creation of beautiful art, and also to download pirated copies of movies. The web tends to take things of important value and turn them into a sad over emphasized joke. But I don't want to focus on that today. I want to explore how to create something original.
I went to re-read the stuff I write on this blog and yes, I tend to lean toward the negative side of things. The world of programming is complicated, it is stressful, it can be depressing, but it is also the best industry to be in.
I didn't love programming before I started. It was a mean to an end. I was broke, dropped out of college and needed to make a living. Programming was something that made sense to me. When I read code, it didn't feel like a coded language that could only be deciphered by smart people. To me it was simple sets of instructions that allowed communication with a computer. A computer's language. I didn't see a flash of light followed by a hipster song montage with me coding in the dark with the screen light shining on my nerd glasses. I don't even wear glasses.
It is tempting to think that the reason open source software works, is because it is free. Linux, Apache, Nginx, android are all open source software and they make the world go around. It helps that they cost nothing to get, but the reason they are so successful is because they are amazing pieces of software.
You are not going to convince anyone with facts and figures. Have you heard of the climate change argument? Have you heard of internet arguments?
It was a Monday morning. I walked to school as usual with my confidence up to the roof. I never bothered getting breakfast because I can see my house from the schoolyard and sneaking out was an option during lunch time. It was on this day that Miss Flo decided to gather her students in a circle. When she stood behind each one of us, our job was to show our talent. Some whistled, some did animal sounds, some did back flips, some sang, everyone had a talent of some sort.
Chrome 32 came out with in January of 2014. Since then, I have not been able to update it on my windows 7 machine. That is until today.
In this series, we will start from the very beginning on how to build a website from scratch. In this article we will not be using any of the popular framework, if you want to install wordpress on your own server click here. My goal is to have a fully functional website built on a solid foundation from the very beginning.
Years ago, I read this question on the web:
When Katrina hit 10 years ago, President Bush was accused of negligence. He could have handled it better some say. I don't have the political background or natural disaster expertise to tell you what he could have done, but I can tell you for sure that the event was heavily documented.