
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

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How to SEO in 2018 and Beyond

How to SEO in 2018 and Beyond

As a web developer, my peers have always assumed that I know a weird little trick to game Google search results. Something I would type in a dark themed code editor that could SEO any website. They believe it's my secret weapon to make money online. Not just friends and family though, I recently talked with a client that assumed I just wanted more money. So they kept naming dollar figures, proposal after proposal, each bigger than the previous, until I would say yes. I said "No". I wasn't being a jerk. I just couldn't do it for them. I don't think anyone understood what they are asking me. Let me explain.

How do you contact the owner of a car?

How do you contact the owner of a car?

Right in front of you is a car. You need to contact the owner of this car right away. Your reasons could be that it is blocking the way, or the lights are on, or it is about to get towed. You need to let the owner know right away. But there is just no way for you to contact them.

When to optimize or index your SQL queries

When to optimize or index your SQL queries

Premature optimization is the root of all evil. But not optimizing your queries is a major bottle neck in your web application. During the building process, queries are written and rewritten. It would be cumbersome to write a query, index the fields needed for it, change the query for new requirement, drop the old index and create a new one. Even a simple blog like this one has more then 50 queries that have to be maintained. My strategy is simple. I don't index them right away.

Happy 5th Anniversary

Happy 5th Anniversary

Today, this blog is 5 years old. I started it secretly on April 1st, 2013. It wasn't something that I thoroughly planned. One day, I woke up with something to say, and in one sitting I wrote the first 5 posts. I had nowhere to post it. So I bought a domain name, built a quick CRUD engine, (which powers every website I build now) and posted them.


What programming style should I follow

What programming style should I follow

There is a story about a man who was walking around all day with his donkey. At mid day he was tired and decided to nap under a tree. Only, when he looked in his bag, he had forgotten the rope to tie the donkey to the tree. If he slept, he risked waking up to a missing donkey. A stranger passing-by saw his frustration. "Why don't you pretend to tie the donkey with an invisible rope?" the stranger said. "The donkey will not know the difference." So the man, who was too tired, followed the stranger's advice and fell asleep. To his surprise, when he woke up, the donkey was still there by the tree. He then decided to continue on his journey, but the donkey wouldn't move. Try as he may, the donkey just refused to move. So he went around the tree, untied the invisible rope, and the donkey finally followed.

Show a loading bar when the page is loading

Show a loading bar when the page is loading

I was working on a web app recently and I noticed that every time I clicked on a link, I couldn't tell if the next page was loading or not. On desktop browsers it was obvious enough with the browser queue, but not so much on mobile. So I decided to add a loading bar to let the user know.


Creating Awesome Buttons in CSS

Creating Awesome Buttons in CSS

If you count just the lines of code, CSS is probably the language I type the most in. Yet, it is also the language I share the least about on this website. So this is an attempt to fix that. I created a set of three state buttons that you can customize to your liking.

Programming rite of passage

Programming rite of passage

There is a moment in programming where you have to make the transition. From incompetent to competent, from worst to better, from junior to, well, less junior. Unfortunately there is no specific time when it occurs. For some it comes very early on, for others it comes very late. Some never even experience it. But the realization comes suddenly and often it is followed by shame. That moment is when you realize that you are the problem.

Don't call yourself smart

Don't call yourself smart

Only others can use the word "Smart" to describe you. They have to do it with their own will, in their own time. You can't force it. The smarter you feel, the more you want to use it. As you perform great deeds, the closer it comes to your lips. But you know you can't use it, because the more you want to say it, the less it describes you. And when you say it, you are no longer smart.


Why we are hiring Angular Experts

Why we are hiring Angular Experts

A few years ago, a meeting was held about an issue the QA team was facing. The JIRA work-flow had become too overwhelming. It was tedious to create the hundreds of sub-tasks that sometimes accompanied each feature development. The summer was approaching, so the decision was made to use the resources from the summer internship programs to snatch one of those under graduate and have him build a new system, independent of jira, to solve the problem.

JS Tip of the day

Loading jQuery asynchronously

The recommended way to load jQuery is with a script tag. You place it on the bottom of your page and make sure every script that depends on it are loaded after.…
