
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 42



You can only benefit from your own failure.

You can only benefit from your own failure.

In the start up world articles that talk about failure are very inspiring. It is very hard to admit that you failed and move on. On hackernews, these post almost always make it to the front page. There are a lot of praises in the comments section and people thank the poster for being so courageous. But how useful are those articles?

Sometimes you just need to take it easy.

Sometimes you just need to take it easy.

We live in a fast paced world. Constantly checking email, text message, facebook update, working, driving and what not. We are always busy. There is no time to do anything we love, we are constantly on the run. Sometimes we work 16 to 18 hours a day, but does that mean that we are productive?

One of the reason people hate php

One of the reason people hate php

Php is by far the most popular web development language. There is a lot of effort put by the programing community to promote Python, ruby on rails, and some newer technologies, but php (LAMP) is just so easy to install and get started. I am a regular php user and it works just fine for my needs. The thing is sometimes I stumble upon some code that make me understand why people hate the language.

24 hours is just enough

24 hours is just enough

The most common response you get when you ask people why they don't spend more time doing what they love or on their side project is: "I don't have time". Other times the answer will be, "I am too busy". It seems to be the norm to accept that there isn't enough time in a day to do what you really want.

Do you really need a college degree to get a job?

Do you really need a college degree to get a job?

I am starting to hear a lot on how getting a degree is no longer relevant. First let me clarify that when I say degree I am referring to a cs or some technical field. As far as I know, you can't google your self into a brain surgeon. But it is possible for a web/software developer, to learn without having to pay $80,000 a year.

How much does your idea cost?

How much does your idea cost?

I wish i could tell you that ideas don't matter and it is execution that makes a difference. Then I could show you all kind of data to prove my point. But that's not what I am here for. Actually I can't even give you my own example because I cannot speak from experience.

JavaScript, how do I check if this variable is an array

JavaScript, how do I check if this variable is an array

It is common to run functions that return results in JavaScript. With JavaScript being loosely typed, the returned value can be of any data type. In case it is returning an array, there isn't an obvious way to detect it, because arrays are also objects.

Alexa rankings

Alexa rankings

What does alexa ranking mean? I never understood how it actually works. At least google scrape websites, and serve them in the search results, they can count which website gets the most clicks, and also find who is linking to who. The same goes for bing and other search engines. But for alexa it is different, and very limited.

Why you shouldn't take user feedback seriously

Why you shouldn't take user feedback seriously

When big websites make redesigns, add new features or remove some, they ask their users for feedback but ignore almost all of them. I always wondered why. It can end in two ways the user gets frustrated and leave or he simply gets used to it and and stops complaining.

Using MySQLi and PDO instead of MySQL_*

Using MySQLi and PDO instead of MySQL_*

It is time to deal with mysql_* functions once and for all. These methods are deprecated and slow. The time to upgrade has long passed yet we still see it everywhere. Since I cannot force every author to update their tutorial and blogs, I decided to write a post to hopefully rank better and provide the essential information to help new comers.

JS Tip of the day

Loading jQuery asynchronously

The recommended way to load jQuery is with a script tag. You place it on the bottom of your page and make sure every script that depends on it are loaded after.…
