
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 22



Code is not code

Code is not code

Code is something you can see and read but can't understand. The whole point is to hide its real meaning in plain sight. It is coded. Code, that we use in programming is not hidden. You can read it, you can understand it, you can extend it. What we refer to as code is just a language.

How files are represented in binary

How files are represented in binary

I previously wrote about how files are represented in your computer and what happened when you delete them. Files are the basis of everything we do on a computer. This article is saved as a 2015.07.14.files.txt file on my computer. The .txt extension lets my computer know that this file is to be read by a text editor. If I wrote this on Microsoft Word the extension would be .docx letting the computer know the right program to read it.

How to sort an array with 3 million objects in JavaScript

How to sort an array with 3 million objects in JavaScript

This certainly is a challenge and there are many ways to approach it. The easiest of them all is to find a computer with as much RAM as possible and the fastest CPU. Throwing money at a problem certainly will help you solve many problems. But not all of us have this luxury.

Big O is for the interview only

Big O is for the interview only

I didn't know what Big O meant. At least not before I had worked many jobs and on many projects as a developer. I remember reading about it in school but I didn't see any use for it in a real world. If you are like me and never encountered it yet worked in the field, we are the lucky ones. It's hard to get passed any interviewer without having to encounter a question about it.



We all agree that procrastination is not a good thing. We may have good intentions before we start on a project, but there are little things that just happen, or we make happen that stops us from working. This on its own is a problem, and sometimes you need some motivation to keep going. But an even more subtle problem occurs when you try to find motivation. You want to be inspired before you start working.


A very disappointing number

A very disappointing number

The thing the makes TV the most prestigious advertising medium is the fact that the numbers are missing. Viewership is almost myth. You may very well say that a show has millions of viewers simply for hype sake. No one can deny those numbers and no one can confirm them either.

Computer, clear my schedule

Computer, clear my schedule

There was a time when input was a major challenge. Truly a problem. Imagine if every time you had a witty comment you'd have to grab a set of punch cards and carefully puncture your 140 characters long witty remark.



The world is filled with wanderers endeavorers. "We tried" they said. "I tried so hard", I always say. But there are those things we do, and we don't dare use the word trying. "We did it", we say.

Sharing files and directories in Ubuntu Server

Sharing files and directories in Ubuntu Server

If you read my post about creating your own CDN you must have wondered how to share files across servers. I use one server to host my code and another to host my image files or assets. This could be problematic for most simple set ups because you have to upload your files into a different server.

Revisiting old code

Revisiting old code

Code does not grow old. If you take a copy of Microsoft DOS, the compiled code will still perform what it was intended to do. It was fine before, and it is fine today. Our needs may have changed but the code itself is intact and robust as it always was.

JS Tip of the day

When to run your code

When is the right time to run your JavaScript? When the page has loaded? When the document is ready? You may face this challenge and the solution sometimes is n…
