
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 26



Unicorn Programming Fairyland

Unicorn Programming Fairyland

This should be a short post because I am just trying to document a small observation. I don't contribute to stack overflow as much as I used to. Many times I suggested code that I wouldn't normally use on a daily basis. Well documented standards thoroughly explained in hope of making everyone a better programmer. But if I was to solve the same problem, chances are I wouldn't use my own approach.

Everything you need to know about favicon

Everything you need to know about favicon

A very simple concept yet so easy to screw up. When I worked on my first website, it took me a while to understand how to deal with this favicon thing. I noticed how a lot of websites had this cool little icon when I bookmarked them but mine didn't. So I started my quest on finding how to create my own little cool icon. Today, I will save you that trouble and show you all I learned over the many years.

The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.

The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.

A few months ago I updated my PHP version. PHP 5.4 to 5.5 . I never had any problems updating PHP before. I follow its development closely and try to remove my deprecated functions long before they are officially removed. But this time I was caught off guard. It silently broke part of my website for the silliest reason.

Creating Human friendly and bot fiendish web pages

Creating Human friendly and bot fiendish web pages

I've recently been entertaining the idea of how much effort people will make to read my blog. I created this page here and used a few methods to make sure a typical user can't read the content.

The Show

The Show

Freddy the magician walks onto the stage. With a quick glance, he scans the room and stops on one person. This victim subject with big round eyes is convincing enough for us to know he is not part of the act, a complete stranger. The magician asks him to think of a card, almost immediately interrupts and says: King of diamonds. The subject is awed, "How did you know?" Applause and the magician walks out of the room.

How to maintain your website

How to maintain your website

Creating a website is easy. Depending on what you are trying to do, there are plenty of tutorials available on the web to help you. I even have one for you. The part that is not talked about a lot is how to maintain them. If there is anything I learned through out the years is that no matter how confident I am with my own code, I cannot say I have it memorized. So I had to developed a system organize it in a fashion I can easily update, revert, and keep my sanity in check.

Making PHP as fast as a Web server to send files

Making PHP as fast as a Web server to send files

Web servers are very good at streaming files and currently Nginx holds the throne when it comes to serving static files. My blog used to go down every time I get a spike in traffic but now I serve all my static files with Nginx. However, there are times where you don't want to serve files directly. You want to add a layer of security before serving it. How do you serve the files efficiently with PHP?

Games[4Diversity] Jam 2015, USC Los Angeles

Games[4Diversity] Jam 2015, USC Los Angeles

I love games but I am not that good at making them. I do enjoy writing code that runs them but it hardly makes sense to the end user. When I saw a tweet from Thatgamecompany about a Game jam right here in Los Angeles at USC, I didn't hesitate a second to sign up. March 14th here I come!

Things to consider before switching to nodejs

Things to consider before switching to nodejs

Nodejs is the attempt to unify all the technologies of the web. With it, you can write one language to rule them all. JavaScript on the front end and JavaScript on the back end. The beauty of it, is that you don't have to worry about the one thing that makes JavaScript a pain to work with on different browser: The DOM.

Putting kids in debt

Putting kids in debt

I got very lucky. I dropped out of college before I got the idea of getting a loan.

JS Tip of the day

Loading jQuery asynchronously

The recommended way to load jQuery is with a script tag. You place it on the bottom of your page and make sure every script that depends on it are loaded after.…
