
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 35



Real work takes time

Real work takes time

A new idea pops in mind, we open the IDE, start coding and a couple of hours later Boom! It is done. It works. Now everything you do today requires a website to market it. So you throw in a little UI with bootstrap and poor wording and your work is published.

Solving ubuntu infinite log in loop

Solving ubuntu infinite log in loop

I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on two of my machines. Recently there was an Nvdia driver update that caused both machines to stop booting. After trying different solutions I found on the web, I ended with a different problem which I wasn't sure was related to the Nvidia card anymore. Every time I would enter my credentials, the screen turn black for a second then come back to the login screen.

Dynamic function definition in JavaScript

Dynamic function definition in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you worry about whether your code will run on your user's browser. There are two options that I know of that you can use to make sure your code execute correctly. Browser detection and feature detection.

We are getting better at being distracted

We are getting better at being distracted

Go ahead and google "to-do lists work" and "to-do lists don't work". If it goes through a fair trial, both arguments are valid. It works for those who agree and it doesn't work for those who disagree.

2013 sucked less, Let's at least try to do the same this year

2013 sucked less, Let's at least try to do the same this year

Every end of year I look back at what I have done for the previous 365.25 days. And every year I am a little disappointed. I look at the million of ghost projects I started that will never see the light. Like every year I believe this time it will be different, I will complete my projects and make my millions of dollars. Looking at it in this angle it is a complete failure. But that's OK. I once heard that it is the little things that matter.

I make shitty software with bugs ... we all do

I make shitty software with bugs ... we all do

There are a lot of tools I built throughout the years and it was very hard to watch them die (or get neglected). I once posted a new project on reddit and received a lot of good feedback. The comments that gave me most hope were the ones that said: If you add X and Y features I will definitely pay for it.



WordPress folder structure

WordPress folder structure

WordPress is the most popular blog engine. It is very easy to install and require almost no configuration changes to work on most servers. Shared hosting providers like GoDaddy even provide a One-click install to get it up and running. However unlike other frameworks, all of WordPress internal files are exposed. They are .php files so you can't see the content by accessing the URL path but there are situations where the file content can be exposed. Moving these files out of the root folder would be a good idea.

Should you patent your code

Should you patent your code

So Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine and gave it away for free. Today we patent the shit out of a rounded corner rectangle and those who infringe it, we fight them to death.

Let's talk a about that expensive degree you can't use

Let's talk a about that expensive degree you can't use

I dropped out of college but I still believe pursuing your education is important.The tradition of going to school, getting a degree then a job is slowly fading away. Because students are having a hard time finding jobs, they go back to school and further their education only to find that they still can't find jobs. If you are trying to be a doctor the career path is very clear. Even though it is very very expensive, a job in medicine may allow you to pay back your student loan. However, in this day and age, if you paid for your Philosophy or Music degree with a student loan, you might find a few problems ahead.

How you can be tricked to allow spam in your inbox

How you can be tricked to allow spam in your inbox

There are over 145 Billion emails sent everyday and among those 100 Billion are just SPAM. Spam is a solved problem. You rarely have to worry about important emails being marked as spam. On these rare occasions when you expect to receive an email and it doesn't seem to be showing up, you make the trip to the dreaded spam folder. This is what I did this morning. After sorting through the viagra, cialis, and Nigerian princes emails, I stumbled upon an interesting email.

JS Tip of the day

When to run your code

When is the right time to run your JavaScript? When the page has loaded? When the document is ready? You may face this challenge and the solution sometimes is n…
