Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.
There is an obscure problem that occurs on the web that is very hard to describe. Because it is hard to describe, it is even harder to find an answer on the stackoverflow.
One of the most time-consuming part of programming is debugging. When making an estimate, programmers will guesstimate how long it might take them to create a program from the ground up. One thing we always forget to take into account is the time we will spend debugging. It is inevitable, your program will have some flaws, it is just human nature.
You don't buy software to support the author. You buy it because it solves your problem. Somehow along the way, we forgot that in this business no one cares about you.
The thing that I found hardest to do in my career is to sell something. Anything. If I had a hang of it, I would probably be financially free today but the first thing that comes to mind when I hear "selling", is salesperson.
The scariest thing on the Internet is that they say it never forgets. We all start young on this platform and we all did or said some embarrassing stuff that we hope no one will find. In my first interactions with the web, I became friends with someone in the US and I thank her for teaching me how to write in English. But the other important thing she taught me was how to create a website.
One thing I get a lot from people new in the tech field is a problem with coming up with new ideas. It is the make it or break it formula for everyone new in the field. I gave up on this idea long ago. Not because I can't come up with a great idea, but because it is irrelevant.
I spent an hour on reddit before deciding to finally open my text editor and finish this article that I started a year ago. The virtualization of conversation has created the illusion of facilitating the the process of winning an arguments. Because now like never before, we have the world's knowledge at our fingertips. But, like I said it is an illusion.
Since the dawn of time, mankind has thought of time as a linear entity. Linear because we portray it as something we can travel forward, or backward on. Our only limitation is technology. At least when we read science fiction, or science magazines, we see that all we need is one genius figure out the right tech to break this barrier.
Have you ever tried to share a picture on the web? Of course you had and it was very easy. You probably went to instafacetwittergur and simply dragged and dropped your image into their platform and it was uploaded.
I have a problem with social media. It is restrictive. I am not referring to things like the 140 characters in a tweet. Limitations can sometimes be the source of great creativity. To me, social media constrains you to only what's possible within the network.