
Programming insights to Storytelling, it's all here.

Ibrahim Diallo

Page - 31



Making decisions is an emotional problem, not rational

Making decisions is an emotional problem, not rational

When I moved to the US. I gave up gaming entirely. Before, I couldn't spend a single day of my life without at least holding a controller in my hand. But then, I grew up. Video games are for children and people who have nothing else to do; at least that's what I told myself.

The story behind art is the Art

The story behind art is the Art

When I first went to the Getty museum I was more impressed by the person of Paul Getty then the actual art it contained. Just imagining how much money went into building all of this is mind boggling. The museum houses art from all over the world, and all of this is available to us for free.

Do you know why no one wants to help you with your amazing idea?

Do you know why no one wants to help you with your amazing idea?

I learned to program the hard way. I stayed up day and night crunching code in my very old PowerBook G4. The machine was defective and it would take over an hour to turn it on. To prevent it from failing I would keep working so it doesn't go back to stand by mode. Most my classmates did not care much about programming so I was my only motivation.

How Sean downloaded a song from the internet

How Sean downloaded a song from the internet

Sean is 22 years old. He loves Linkin Park. Just the other day, listening to the radio on his way to work, he heard that Linkin Park had a new album he wasn't aware of. He was thinking about this piece of news all day and was distracted from the very work he was supposed to do.

School as an Investment

School as an Investment

If I take money out of my pocket and buy a laptop, when I get home I expect it to work. I expect it to do exactly what I want and I believe that is not too much too ask. It's not a surprise to anyone, we can all agree on this. It's an investment with a guaranteed return.

Don't create content, create Art

Don't create content, create Art

If there is one thing the rest of the internet and I are guilty of, it is creating content. Most people who get started on the web think the key to success is to create a website and people will pour in. Eventually they learn that no one cares about their website. SEO consulting companies always have the same recipe: link building and content. The Holy grail of the internet.


Thinking about the car horn

Thinking about the car horn

I was driving down Sepulveda Blvd near LAX when I stopped at a red light. It was one of those lights that just wouldn't turn green. There were very few cars, and I thought about going through the red light, but, I wasn't in a hurry.

Why programmers don't read books and why you should

Why programmers don't read books and why you should

As a non programmer, when you read the stories of all the famous nerds, the first thing you do is go on amazon and shop for programming books. Most titles are confusing, you only wish to know which book Zuckerburg was reading so you can create your own bookface as quick as possible. After much confusion, you call your programmer friend and ask for a book recommendation. Of course his response is to not get a book, all the stuff is on the Internet already.

Fictional Performance reviews

Fictional Performance reviews

In the past 5 years, I have not received a single negative performance review. For every company I worked for, the manager had to be reminded by a third party or me that my review is due. We would go in a small meeting room and he would say good things about me then say something like "I will talk to bob about giving you a raise". The interesting part is if I was to ask them what I was working on they would have no idea.

Upgrading JavaScript without breaking backwards compatibility

Upgrading JavaScript without breaking backwards compatibility

I tried using Coffeescript, looks like it was not made for me. So it is a language with a not so simple syntax that is supposed to compile back to JavaScript. The selling point is, if you come from a OOP background, it makes working with JavaScript easier. The catch is you need to know JavaScript first.

JS Tip of the day

When to run your code

When is the right time to run your JavaScript? When the page has loaded? When the document is ready? You may face this challenge and the solution sometimes is n…
